The Health on Toast Recipe Book
A Guide to Make Simple Meals That are Good for You
Photo by Joseph Gonzalez
Humans all have one thing in common, we love to eat delicious food! 
The tough part is finding delicious food which is also healthy and convenient. This conundrum was the inspiration behind my book...
Health on Toast!
Downloading Health on Toast 
Will Give You:
  •  Access to 60 healthy recipes which take very little time to prepare 
  • Simple guidelines so anybody can create these recipes with little experience 
  •  Bonus cooking tips and instructions
There are so many different meals you can have on toast which taste amazing. Everybody loves toast right? 
Whatever the topping, things on toast are usually convenient to prepare, affordable and readily available. Healthy eating can so often be exclusive to those with expansive budgets and lots of free time, not anymore! 
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